Friday, September 10, 2010

Heavy Metal Detox

by Nelson, Dr. Christopher’s Herb Shop

Natural healing is built on the principles of cleansing and nourishing. One of the toxic materials you will often hear about in this field is heavy metals. It is by clearing these substances that some of the nastier diseases are relieved with a natural approach.

It is rather unusual how for the last 1000 years or so these metals have been widely introduced into the human body. The most well known would probably be mercury. Mercury was the drug of choice for many allopathic practitioners in the dark ages (herbalists were using cayenne and lobelia). Back then purging was a common method for relieving disease.

Giving someone mercury would make them vomit, evacuate the bowels, perspire, and throw the body into a healing crisis. The downside was that it had a high fatality rate.

This didn't in anyway discourage its use, however, and for hundreds of years it served as the base for countless elixirs, often combined with fermented bugs and animal organs. In this way, it is remarkably similar to materials used in a typical vaccination.

Most vaccines now don't have mercury in them. They do have formaldehyde (made from fermented ants) and animal proteins (glands from animals such as monkeys), along with a list of substances the modern consumer wouldn't recognize. Aluminum is a common concern in these compounds as well.

I don't think man ever had to worry about aluminum in the air until chem trails were being done ( That seems even more bizarre than aluminum cookware. If you're wondering whether or not the aluminum gets into your food, cook eggs or a pie crust in aluminum cookware and see how gray they turn. This is why no restaurant ever uses aluminum, and why the School of Natural Healing says that it should never be used. There is a strong correlation between aluminum and Alzheimer's.

All of these subjects are quite debatable, but regardless of the way you look at it, people in industrialized society are getting exposed to mercury, lead, aluminum and a variety of other minerals that are in no way good for the body.

Heavy metal poisoning is often diagnosed through hair analysis (which isn't considered accurate) and blood testing. The typical treatment is called chelation therapy. This can be done intravenously, and I have met people who used oral pills for chelation.

Instead of using costly, invasive procedures to detox, why not try some herbs first? Even if it was a completely worthless investment, your loss wouldn't likely be more than $20. Besides, they actually work! At least this is what the research of Dr. Omura indicated. He discovered quite by accident the ability of one herb to safely chelate metals out of the body. He noticed some of his patients urinating larger levels of toxic metals out than others. He eventually found that the common factor was that these patients all ate Vietnamese soup made with cilantro. Either cilantro leaf, or cilantro seeds (called coriander) are used to detox metals today.

Coriander seed is a very common, delicious and affordable spice. Using this spice (preferably in its raw state) can act as an effective heavy metal detox by itself or as a maintenance herb. Taking a full tablespoon of this herb daily for three weeks can safely pull metals from the body.

Most of the clinical studies for herbal chelation come from Russia (Dr. Omura was a Russian doctor). Garlic (known as Russian penicillan) has also been shown to pull mercury from the system. This is also an herb that can be used regularly for maintenance.

Dr. Christopher liked bugleweed. His Heavy Mineral Bugleweed formula was his combination of choice whenever heavy metal poisoning was presented to him. He used these along with Epsom salt baths. One of his more dramatic cases was with a miner. Dr. Christopher had him take the Heavy Mineral Bugleweed formula with the Blood Stream formula, taking 3 hot baths with a pound of Epsom salts a week, spaced a day a part. After three weeks, that poor miner had to work hard to scrape dense, metallic grime off his bathtub.

After following Dr. Christopher's heavy metal program for three weeks, if any additional help is needed, rest a full week from the baths. The herbs are to be taken during this rest period. When heavy metal cleansing, it is valuable to use a blood cleansing herb (such as chaparral or burdock) along with your program.

Heavy Mineral Bugleweed: Take 2 capsules with 6 capsules of Blood Stream Formula, taking Epsom salt baths as described.

Find Dr. Christopher’s Herbal Formulas, single herbs, essential oils, books and more at Dr. Christopher’s Original Herb Shop:

NOTICE: All information in this newsletter is given out as information only and is not intended to diagnose or prescribe.