by Nelson, Dr. Christopher’s Herb Shop
It is within the last century that some strange diseases began to emerge. Most of these were unheard of or uncommon before now. A wide variety of diseases fit into this category: Multiple Sclerosis, diabetes, chron's, autism, allergies, etc. All of these have one thing in common, that the body is attacking itself.
It is the immune systems job to determine self from non-self. Some rather hellish symptoms emerge when the immune system overresponds to correct an imbalance. There are many explanations for this. I will be giving the perspective of the School of Natural Healing.
When the body attacks itself, is it functioning or not functioning? Our point of view is that it is functioning, and functioning well. Not to say that we want things to continue to go the way it’s going, but rather than shut down the immune system, why not work with it so it can work effectively? The immune systems fires up when it finds something in the body that isn't supposed to be there, so it works to clear it out. The elements of an alternative program for this kind of program usually consist of removing any waste material in the area, stopping intake of 'alien' matter into the body and strengthening up the afflicted system.
So what do we stop putting in the body? What kind of waste matter? That’s where you will find the controversy. Well, from the School of Natural Healing standpoint, looking at things like autism and chron's, we see a link between these diseases and conventional vaccinations, and consider it a very strong link. The principle of vaccination is a very sound one, but the way it is applied is a point of disagreement. Injecting foreign proteins (from animal organs) under the skin bypasses the immune system. These proteins are not your bodies, and are hard to get rid of, so it attacks them.
This could be a large topic in and of itself, but for the sake of keeping the newsletter briefer, we would encourage the reader to investigate this. We are fond of the book Vaccines: Are they really safe and effective? by Neal Miller.
Dense minerals can be approached with cilantro, the affordable coriander seed, epsom salt baths and Dr. Christopher's Heavy Mineral Bugleweed combination.
Today people are coming down with a lot of wheat allergies. I would not consider most of the grains people eat wheat. The poor thing has been so hybridized and genetically modified it does not in any way resemble the wheat grain from 100 years ago. I know people who can't eat wheat, but can eat spelt or kamut. This certainly isn't always the case, but these grains, especially kamut, come from very old stock. That is the only major difference.
We disagree with genetically modified food. Well over 60% of the food in a typical grocery store has been genetically modified. We are concerned about the body responding poorly to a food it doesn't recognize, and suggest eating 100% organic.
Because there are so many auto-immune disorders, it would be impractical to outline a program for each one here, but there is a simple herbal combination that has a very potent action for each one. It is merely equal parts marshmallow root and astragulus. This would be Dr. Christopher's ImmuCalm formula. The goal is to calm down and strengthen the immune system. This recipe is ages old and has proven its worth.
With simple allergies, this formula alone is very potent. In fact, I remember a woman crying during hay fever season when I told her the manufacturer was out of stock that week. She had used it for years and loved it. This formula can make life bearable in a case of autism, chron's, or any case where you need the immune system to function properly. In big auto-immune disorders, if you used the formula I suggest you buy the bulk herbs. It takes a lot in these circumstances (1-2 TBS or 12-24 capsules), but in bulk a month supply can be purchased for $15 easily. Otherwise the average dosage of 2-6 capsules will be adequate for simple allergies. Since these are tonic herbs, they may be taken regularly in these doses without ill effect. While this formula may not be the cure, it is a worthwhile remedy.
This, combined with herbs specific to the problem area, provides a solid means for a drastic improvement in quality of life, as well as gradual improvement in the condition. Almost all of these disorders require a specific diet to achieve full function, and is worthwhile to investigate. Next week we will discuss effective means for detoxing heavy metals from the body.
Find Dr. Christopher’s Herbal Formulas, single herbs, essential oils, books and more at Dr. Christopher’s Original Herb Shop:
NOTICE: All information in this newsletter is given out as information only and is not intended to diagnose or prescribe.