Friday, September 17, 2010

Cold & Flu Season

by Nelson, Dr. Christopher’s Herb Shop

No one enjoys getting a cold or flu. The term “seasonal sickness” is odd to us at the School of Natural Healing. Most people consider developing an illness as natural as a weather change. Got to get the yearly cold, right?

A lot of people stop catching seasonal illness when on a plant-based diet. I think I personally must have gone five years without catching a cold or flu after I ate vegetarian. Of course we think diet plays a big role in immune system health. These illnesses develop during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays - when people are more prone to eating huge amounts of junk foods. A lot of energy goes into digesting food, and the type and volume of food people usually eat during this time leaves them constipated.

Nevertheless, there are plenty of common herbs that can boost the immune system in both wellness and sickness. As a preventative, Echinacea is the most commonly used. Echinacea is legendary for its ability to get the immune system functioning, even in cases of severe poisoning. It works by tricking the body into thinking it has been poisoned, thus increasing immune activity. If it is taken for 6-9 days without a day long break, the body will figure out that it hasn't been poisoned, and it will lose its effect. It is the sole ingredient of the Kid-E-Mune formula, and in the Echinacea extract.

Elderberry or elder flowers are used in a similar way. These are very gentle, safe to use on sick babies or in situations where increasing the strength of the immune system might lower the vitality of the patient.

Elder has a high concentration of the mineral potassium. Potassium herbs and potassium broths have played a central role in the programs of big name herbalists (Dr. Christopher, Dr. Walker, Jethro Kloss, etc). Making a broth from potato peels was the common ingredient in all of these herbalist's recipes. When the body is sick, large amounts of this mineral are useful for speeding recovery. These herbs are in the Kid-E-Well formula.

Astragalus will raise the white blood cell count and is great for maintaining good health in this respect. It may be used in large amounts without problem, except in the case where a fever is present. Because astragalus will strengthen yet calm, it can prevent a fever from functioning effectively and is best avoided during this time. Even under these circumstances, no real harm can be done. This herb is in the ImmuCalm formula.

Garlic is possibly the most powerful antibacterial/antiviral herb, similar to onions and horseradish. The organic sulfur content (which gives it the pungent flavor) is a powerful tool to destroy invaders. In addition to killing pathogens, it will boost the immune system. The mere odor of garlic was proven in a Russian lab test to kill bacteria up to 30 centimeters away! Indeed, a chopped up onion placed next to an ill persons bed was a proven remedy in older times for breaking up a cold.

Garlic is the ingredient of Dr. Christopher's most powerful immune formula, Super Garlic Immune (Anti-Plague).

Many of these formulas are on sale this month – you can find them here:

Next week we will focus on respiratory health, and the favorite methods of Dr. Shook, Dr. Christopher, Brigham Young and Jethro Kloss for preventing a cold and cleaning the lungs.

Find Dr. Christopher's Herbal Formulas, single herbs, essential oils, books and more at Dr. Christopher's Original Herb Shop:


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NOTICE: All information in this newsletter is given out as information only and is not intended to diagnose or prescribe.