by Nelson, Dr. Christopher’s Herb Shop
There are some herbal formulas that almost everybody loves. When you are able to see a big problem go away in a matter of hours opposed to days or weeks, people tend to get excited about it. So let’s look at what some of the top herbalists had to say about certain formulas for colds and fevers.
Dr. Shook
"…for colds, influenza, fevers, inflammation of the brain, pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs), stomach, bowels or any part, this is a certain cure. I have never known it to fail, even when given up to and at the point of death. It will not only save at the eleventh hour, but at the last minute of that hour. It is so harmless that you cannot use it amiss, and so effectual that you cannot give it in vain." Dr. Edward E. Shook, Advanced Treatise in Herbology, 1978
The infusion for the tea is made as follows:
2 ounces elder flowers
2 ounces peppermint leaves (crushed)
1 1/2 pints boiling distilled water
Pour boiling water over herbs, cover and allow to steep (not boil) in a hot place 20 minutes.
Strain and sweeten with honey, then drink the whole amount of tea as hot as possible while closely covered in bed.
Cover a hot water bottle with a cloth or towel dipped in apple cider vinegar and place on the feet. In a few minutes there will be copious perspiration, and the pulse will slow down and the patient will sleep peacefully for hours...When taken alone, elder flowers are inclined to be emetic, and somewhat nauseous to some people. This effect can be prevented by combining them with peppermint (Mentha piperita).
Peppermint is stimulant, nervine, calmative, and antiemetic, which helps offset the undesirable effects of the elder flower. This combination is world-famous as a great fever and cold remedy. [HHH p.53]
Dr. Nowell
"We have made and used composition powder for over forty years. When we state we regularly mixed it in batches of sixty pounds the student will readily see that we have had at least some experience with it. As a remedy in colds, beginning of fevers, flu, hoarseness, sluggish circulation, colic, cramps, etc. We believe it has done more good than any other single preparation ever known to man. If this compound were kept in every home, and used as the occasion arose, there would be far less sickness. Give it freely in your practice and your patient will bless you. Look over the ingredients, and consider how it will clear canker, ease cramps and pains in the stomach and bowels, raise the heat of the body equalizing the circulation, and remove congestions. It is safe. It is effective. We have on numberless occasions given a cup [or 2 capsules] of composition tea every hour as warm as the patient could drink it, until the patient has perspired freely, and after four or five doses have seen our patient in a free perspiration, thereby removing colds and febrile trouble."
Brigham Young, the great Mormon prophet and colonist, used composition tea regularly, and recommended it to be used for children coming down sick, with a little cream and sugar added, instead of loading the child's stomach with heavy foods.
This formula is known as the Chest Composition Formula.
Dr. Christopher
(Super Garlic Immune) While lecturing in Snowflake, Arizona one night, one of the group asked if we had an plague remedy, and I was prompted to give them a "certain combination" of herbs to use.
The people there were very impressed to go right to work and prepare this liquid, having it ready for use. We had told them that plagues come at unexpected times and it could be tomorrow or maybe even years away, but expect the unexpected and be ready now. If the formula was still unused, from "no need" years later, we could all be happy but "TIS BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY".
These good people made it up in gallon lots and had it on hand. Months later while speaking in Tucson, Arizona, someone asked for the "Super Garlic Immune remedy." I was surprised and asked where they had heard of it, as we had only given it out once. We were informed that a plague-like condition or flu had hit the Snowflake area and when other aids failed, this combination of herbs in liquid form performed its job with amazing speed. [The hospital was filled with the sick. After all other remedies had failed, 2 registered nurses who had attended the lecture asked the M.D if they could use it. After they had gotten permission, they were all amazed to see the sick recover rapidly with the formula.]
At our next series of lectures in Snowflake, sometime later, we heard one testimony after another about the many different types of ailments that were given quick relief by using this formula. The formula has now spread in many areas from coast to coast and is being used with good results. A man picked us up at an airport on the west coast a short time ago, and on the floor of his car was a bottle with liquid in it. When asked what it was he said, "oh, that's your Super Garlic Immune remedy, we never travel without it as it works good on about any sickness that comes up while we are traveling. We are also never without a bottle of it at home." [NL 2-9]
Let’s compare these remedies. The elder and peppermint tea is especially useful for one reason: it is practically safe to administer under any condition. With some of the flu and fevers we see now, we hear that immune system boosting herbs can worsen the condition by wearing the body out. Whether or not this is true is debatable, but in any case, with these diseases, children and the elderly, this formula is safe to use and still effective.
If you are able to catch an illness before it matures, you will save yourself a lot of pain. The Chest Composition formula is excellent for these scenarios. It is better to break up a fever than to treat the symptoms and bury the illness deeper into the body. The capsules are a convenient way to take the suggested hourly dose. As long as you don't wash them down with milk or soda, you can expect results with them.
The Super Garlic Immune formula is what I consider Dr. Christopher's bazooka for combating illness. I had a neighbor who once told me this:
"You know, I don't really care much for herbs. But my mom was into it, and every night she would give us Anti-Plague. She always gave us a dropper full before we went to sleep. Later she found out that we only needed three drops. I think that's why I don't like them. But I never had strep throat growing up. That's got to mean something."
To learn more about these formulas visit:
Most of these formulas are on sale this month – you can find them here:
Find Dr. Christopher's Herbal Formulas, single herbs, essential oils, books and more at Dr. Christopher's Original Herb Shop:
NOTICE: All information in this newsletter is given out as information only and is not intended to diagnose or prescribe.