Friday, June 11, 2010

How to Feel Your Best Naturally - Part III

by Nelson - Dr. Christopher's Herb Shop

No lifestyle would feel complete without emotional well being. We all know that emotions can affect our physical health. When we are at our emotional best, the joyous aspects of life can happen easy, without becoming a laborious process that we have to work incredibly hard for.

We may not be able to have any control over how other people treat us, what is happening politically, or how the economy is doing, but there is a good amount we can do to keep the stressful aspects of life from disturbing our emotional well being. One part of this is through our physical health. Even a really hard day can be processed and released with ease if the hormones are in balance.

The ancient Greeks considered the liver to be the seat of emotions. They would approach an emotional problem by tonifying the liver. With our modern day medical point of view, this made perfect sense. In addition to the task of neutralizing every poison in the body, it is the responsibility of the liver to break down the old hormones in the body.

Pure estrogen is so potent that it will eat the tissue off of the colon wall. The body is smart enough to know this. Probably the best example would be during the time a woman has her period. Suddenly, there is a huge spike in the amount of estrogen in her system. If her liver is swollen with toxic material to break down from diet, the hormones of depression from the fight earlier in the day, and other things, she may suddenly feel all that stress magnify as her overworked liver releases all of those old emotions and poisons so that it can put this otherwise volatile estrogen into bile.

We could not list the number of women who have reported there PMS to be a thing of the past after stabilizing their liver area. Men do not need to walk around feeling angry and violent for no apparent reason. How much easier is it to face the challenges of life when we are emotionally centered?

Foods and formulas:

  • Juice of half a lemon and 1 tablespoon of olive oil twice a day
  • Liver and gallbladder cleanse, especially useful when the gallbladder has stones present
  • Barberry: The mere taste of this herb will get the liver to secrete bile
  • Milk Thistle: Another potent liver cleanser
  • Liver & Gallbladder formula: Potent liver cleanse formulated to counteract potential nausea
  • Liver Transition Formula: Milder formula when dealing with cases of heavy drug use, alcoholism, etc.
  • Beets, carrots and dandelions: Natural liver cleansers

Herbs and formulas available at