Friday, June 4, 2010

How to Feel Your Best Naturally - Part II

by Nelson - Dr. Christopher's Herb Shop

Last week we looked at colon health for ultimate well being. Looking at heath from a vitalistic perspective (addressing the cause not the symptom, work with the body not against it, etc) the bowels and the kidneys provide the foundation for the bodies cleansing.

It is the job of the kidneys to filter the blood. If they are not overworked from a cumbersome diet, then they are able to keep the blood clean, taking an enormous task off of the rest of the rest of the body. When the body is overworked from refined foods, sodas or other impurities, the kidneys are responsible for eliminating them through the urinary tract. Having the kidneys in top order allows the body to remove a huge amount of unneeded materials easily through the urinary tract instead of through mucus in the lungs or pus through the skin.

Wonderfully enough, there are many delicious vegetables that greatly support kidney health. Cucumbers, carrots and parsley are all diuretics, and greatly support this system of the body. Indeed, we have had many cases where people have been in great pain, unable to void their urine, later making a quick sprint to the bathroom after drinking a cup of parsley tea.

When the kidneys have stones in them it is an incredibly painful condition. Wouldn't it be so much nicer to be rid of kidney problems naturally than through expensive surgery? I have witnessed people fall in love with these herbs because of their efficacy, simplicity and affordability.

I had an elderly woman ask me for herbal advice for a kidney problem. She was very poor, and could not afford even cheap supplements. I told her how to make Tabouli, which is a Lebanese salad, made mostly of parsley, and told her to eat it daily. The response I received from her later was a most heartwarming experience. Why not save some money and let simple raw vegetables contribute to our health?

Tabouli salad- 1-2 large bunches minced parsley, 2-3 tomatoes, scallions and mint to taste, marinated in olive oil, lemon juice and sea salt.


  • Kidney formula
  • Juniper berries (School of natural healing favorite)
  • Fresh cucumber
  • Hydrangea root (to help support kidneys when stones are present)

Herbs and formulas available at