by Nelson - Dr. Christopher's Herb Shop
In our society it is considered normal for a woman to have cramps and heavy bleeding with her monthly cycle. Many women do not know how little bleeding their bodies actually need to experience if it is in a balanced state.
Major swings in hormones are handled by the liver. It is the liver's job to break down the excess hormones. When there is a huge spike in estrogen with the woman's monthly cycle or with menopause, the liver may have to release the other hormones it was dealing with to handle this more critical issue. This is only if the liver had too much toxic material to break down (refined foods, exposure to chemicals in cosmetics, etc.)
Most of the success came from his mucus-less diet. Our herb shop has seen people with lifelong cramping and bleeding have no trouble at all in a matter of months. Dr. Christopher taught that even these problems would be over within 120 days with the mucus-less diet and proper herbal formulas.
The program used the hormonal changease formula and wheat germ oil (it is very important to take both together, as the wheat germ oil provides the building blocks for hormones) If the woman was going through menopause, or had cysts, tumors, polyps, or another problem with the organs, the female reproductive formula was added to that as well.
Those that took Dr. Christopher's advice didn't have problems with hot flashes. In fact, many women on his program went through menopause without even realizing it until several months went by.
Today we see many people using progesterone creams. These have benefited many people. Often, they are quite expensive, and the same results can be achieved with simple herbs. What one would pay for an ounce of these creams, a pound of Red Raspberry leaves could be bought. Not only would the Red Raspberry balance the hormones, it would provide iron, calcium, and other nutrition often missing after menstruation or birth.
- Liver & Gallbladder formula: Toning the liver often prevents hormonal imbalances from even occurring.
- Hormonal Changease formula: An incredibly effective herbal blend
- Wheat Germ oil: Provides phytosterols (pre-cursors to hormones)
- Female Reproductive Formula: Specifically for ovaries, uterus, and other female organs.
- Red Raspberry: Hormone balancer and nutritional powerhouse.
- Fenugreek: Hormone balancer, mucus cleanser, increases lactation and enlarges breasts.
Herbs and formulas available at